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NCE Windows 10 Enterprise

Komplexní správa zařízení a aplikací

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Komplexní správa zařízení a aplikací

Komplexní správa zařízení a aplikací

Windows 10 umožňuje vaší firmě dosahovat skvělých výsledků odkudkoli a jeho integrované zabezpečení a flexibilita mu umožňuje udržet krok s růstem vašeho podnikání. Verze Windows 10 Enterprise vychází z Windows 10 Pro a přidává špičkové funkce pro zabezpečení a správu navržené tak, aby splňovaly potřeby větších organizací, včetně vašeho podniku nebo vysokých škol.

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Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3

Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5

Windows 10 Enterprise E3 builds on Windows 10 Pro by delivering enterprise-grade security, management, and control features for large or mid-sized companies, or any size business that processes sensitive data, operates in regulated industries,
or develops intellectual property that must remain secured.
The increased security helps protect your sensitive data, identities, and devices from cybersecurity threats, and provides enhanced deployment and software and device management options.
Windows 10 Enterprise E5 includes Windows 10 Enterprise E3 plus Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP).
Microsoft Defender ATP is a unified endpoint security platform and enables enterprise customers to protect, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced attacks and data breaches.
It is built-in, cloud powered, applies Artificial Intelligence to automate security incidents and leverages the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph to integrate detection and exploration with other Microsoft Threat Protection services*.


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Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3

Windows 10 Enterprise E3 builds on Windows 10 Pro by delivering enterprise-grade security, management, and control features for large or mid-sized companies, or any size business that processes sensitive data, operates in regulated industries,
or develops intellectual property that must remain secured.
The increased security helps protect your sensitive data, identities, and devices from cybersecurity threats, and provides enhanced deployment and software and device management options.


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Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5

Windows 10 Enterprise E5 includes Windows 10 Enterprise E3 plus Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP).
Microsoft Defender ATP is a unified endpoint security platform and enables enterprise customers to protect, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced attacks and data breaches.
It is built-in, cloud powered, applies Artificial Intelligence to automate security incidents and leverages the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph to integrate detection and exploration with other Microsoft Threat Protection services*.


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